If there's any folks who are freelancers or thinking of freelancing, but you would like a community to bounce ideas off of or to ask questions in a safe environment, feel free to join us in the Online Network of Independent Learning Professionals:
https://www.linkedin.com/groups/8424180/. You can sign up for the live, online meetings here:
http://bit.ly/ONILPweekly The community description is below:
Are you an independent learning professional or someone interested in becoming independent, who would like to chat with others about:
- Best practices?
- How you could help each other when workload gets overwhelming?
- Where to find work?
- Sticky situations and how to resolve them?
This is a community just for YOU, then. Being independent can sometimes feel isolating, but it doesn't have to be. Join, and be a part of a community.
In addition to live meetings, we're also on Slack, a free communication tool, having lively conversations throughout the week. It's super secret and invite only. Email me (Patti@LearningReinvented.net) for access.