Many businesses, including financial institutions and publicly regulated companies, are required by law to make sure their employees are properly educated in specific areas pertaining to their industry. This kind of training is often referred to as compliance training. If you’re an e-learning developer, you’ve likely had to create these types of courses. They typically cover topics such as workplace discrimination, ethics training, bribery prevention, and data security—crucial information that employees need to know to do their jobs correctly and avoid breaking laws.
I love to use Rise 360, the web-based authoring tool available in Articulate 360, to create compliance training. Why? Because Rise 360 courses are easy to create and update, and they can be built collaboratively. Rise 360 also allows you to require learners to view all the content, which is important with compliance training since you need to be able to demonstrate to regulators that learners have been exposed to all the required information. And, of course, the responsive output from Rise 360 looks beautiful across all devices employees use to access courses.
Here’s a sample compliance course built in Rise 360 that covers how to avoid common workplace injuries. Click on the image, or the link below it, to check it out.
View Compliance Training Example
Now that you’ve seen an example course, let’s walk through some key considerations for compliance training and some Rise 360 features you can use to address them.
Use the Continue Block
As I mentioned earlier, one important consideration for e-learning developers creating compliance training is making sure learners can’t skip any content. This can be accomplished easily using the continue block.
The continue block can be set up to prevent a learner from moving on until they’ve seen all of the previous content.
Quickly insert a continue block by clicking Continue on the blocks shortcut bar.
You can also find the continue block in the block library by selecting the Divider option.
A continue block can work in different ways, depending on which completion type you choose under the completion type drop-down menu. These options include:
- None (Always Show Button): The Continue button is always visible. Learners can click on it anytime to move to the next block.
- Complete All Blocks Above: The Continue button is disabled until learners complete all blocks above the continue block.
- Complete Block Directly Above: The Continue button is disabled until learners complete the block directly above the continue block.
The safety course example above uses a continue block at the end of each lesson with the “Complete All Blocks Above” setting.
But what if you added custom interactivity created with Storyline 360 to your Rise 360 lesson? Is there a way to make sure learners complete a Storyline 360 block? No problem. Simply follow these steps to configure your custom interaction in Storyline 360. Then, in Rise 360, add a Storyline 360 block followed by a continue block to your lesson.
You can also use a Storyline 360 block to track the completion of a Rise 360 course in your LMS. You can choose to track completion based on a trigger, quiz result, or the number of slides viewed in your Storyline 360 block.
Enable Restricted Navigation
When you’re creating a compliance course with Rise 360, you might consider using restricted navigation in conjunction with your continue block. Restricting navigation means your learner must click through each lesson in lesson order. For example, the learner would have to take lessons sequentially and wouldn’t be able to click ahead to the final lesson without viewing each lesson before it. You can find the settings for controlling course navigation under the settings menu. Under the navigation mode drop-down, choose Restricted.
On top of restricting your course navigation, you might want to restrict navigation on any videos you’ve included so that learners can’t skip ahead through video content with the seekbar. To restrict navigation in a video, simply go to the settings tab for the video in question and disable Allow Forward Seeking.
Now your learners will no longer be able to use the seekbar to skip over important video content!
Require a Passing Score on the Quiz
Quizzing is another important aspect of your compliance courses. You want to make sure learners fully understand all the quiz questions and their correct answers. There are a few tips you can follow to make sure that your quizzes are as compliant as possible.
First of all, you can control course navigation by requiring learners to pass a quiz before moving on to the next lesson. Just open up your quiz, click the Settings option, and switch “Require Passing Score to Continue” to the on position.
When this setting is enabled, learners must achieve the passing score you define to advance to the next lesson in the course.
Another way to make sure your compliance courses are as effective as possible is to require that learners score 100 percent on the final quiz, and give them unlimited attempts. This will force learners to repeat the quiz until they answer the questions correctly, which is about as certain as you can be that learners have understood the correct information.
To change the passing score, open up the quiz, click Settings in the top right corner, and adjust the passing score. Here’s one last animted .GIF to show you where to find this setting.
And there you have it! Creating compliance training is a snap with Rise 360.
Have any tips of your own for creating compliance courses with Rise 360? Please add them in the comments below!
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