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Get Two Free, Updated Courses to Help Your Organization Celebrate Pride Month

NicoleRosenl400's avatar
2 years ago

Did you know that workplaces that cultivate LGBTQ+ inclusivity have happier employees, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity? Or that LGBTQ+-friendly employers boast higher employee retention rates and even earn more revenue?

As a learning and development professional, you can boost your organization’s LGBTQ+ inclusion efforts by providing substantial, engaging learning opportunities for Pride Month.

If that sounds like a lot of research and course development time you don’t have right now, relax. We’ve updated Articulate’s professionally designed and researched Pride courses for 2023, and they’re ready for you to use right now, free of charge.

Articulate 360 subscribers and trialers can even customize the content. Keep reading to learn more about the courses and find out how to make them your own.

What Courses Are Available?

“Power and Pride: The Origins of Pride Month.” Learners can discover how the events at the Stonewall Inn in June 1969 catalyzed change and accelerated a movement for LGBTQ+ rights that has spread worldwide. The course also introduces learners to key individuals, organizations, and moments in the ongoing struggle—emphasizing that activism, celebration, and equal rights remain central to Pride more than 50 years later.

“Beyond Pride: Year-Round Action.” Learning about and taking action to support equality doesn’t stop when June ends. This course offers practical, actionable steps for both organizations and individuals to uplift the LGBTQ+ community every day.

What’s New?

For 2023, we updated Power and Pride’s decade-by-decade timeline to reflect some of the latest developments in LGBTQ+ rights, including the passage of the Respect for Marriage Act. We also added new, deeper context around pivotal events and figures of past decades. Fresh resources around language are also available in the updated course.

In the 2023 updates for Beyond Pride, you’ll find the latest available facts and figures around LGBTQ+ representation in the workplace. And new links out to practical resources such as a gender-neutral bathroom sign can help learners take action to support inclusivity no matter where they are.


Pride Month is the perfect time to share learning opportunities that demonstrate your organization’s commitment to the LGBTQ+ community. And since these beautifully illustrated original courses are ready to go, why not share them with your learners?

As we mentioned above, you can either use them as is or—if you’re an Articulate 360 subscriber or trialer—you can easily adapt them to fit your needs. Simply navigate to your Rise 360 dashboard, click Create New, choose Course, select Diversity and Inclusion, and choose the course you want from the list. Want to customize these but don’t have a subscription yet? Start a free 30-day trial.

And if you need other ready-to-go courses for your diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts, there are plenty of other options to choose from, including:

  • Black History Month
  • Diversity Basics: Foundations
  • Diversity Basics: Taking Action
  • Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging

Once again, these are all available directly in Rise 360. Simply follow the instructions above to view and use them.

And remember to subscribe to our newsletter to stay up-to-date on the latest real course templates, product updates, e-learning examples, and expert advice directly in your inbox. If you have questions, please share them in the comments.

Published 2 years ago
Version 1.0
  • KateORourke's avatar
    Community Member
    Thank you Articulate! A couple questions...

    -Would you consider updating the course to use the current widely used acronym LGBTQIA+? Intersex and ace people are important parts of the community who also need to be visible.

    -Would you consider adding Trans Justice Funding project to the list of places to donate? This is a collective that prioritizes funding efforts led by and for trans people
    • NicoleRosenl400's avatar
      Hi, Kate! Thanks so much for taking the time to comment on our courses. We made the choice to stick with "LGBTQ+" based on the guidance of The Savvy Ally book ( and the current recommendations of the Associated Press and the National Association of LGBTQ+ Journalists. As you probably know, the entire abbreviation is much longer and includes more than intersex and asexual people. The plus sign is meant to indicate there are other identities, also including pansexual, Two Spirit, demisexual, etc. That said, we will continue to monitor how the language is evolving going forward and appreciate your input.

      Thanks also for the recommendation to look at the Trans Justice Funding Project--they are clearly doing valuable work. At this time, we're only providing resources for folks to access for further education on LGBTQ+ issues, not a list of suggested places for donations. If that changes, we will definitely consider adding this organization.

      We really appreciate your taking the time to make suggestions and hope you're finding the courses useful.