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How Can I Tell if My LMS Will Work with Articulate Software?

CommunityTeam's avatar
9 years ago

People who buy e-learning software often want to publish their e-learning projects in a learning management system, or LMS. An LMS lets you deliver courses to learners and track their participation and completion status.

Before you invest in an LMS, however, you’ll want to make sure that the projects you create in Articulate software will work in it. More specifically, you’ll want to verify that your LMS can receive the basic information that you care about, such as quiz scores, pass/fail status, completion status, and time spent in the course, from your Articulate courses.

If you use our frictionless LMS, Reach 360, this work is done for you. Not only do courses created in Rise 360 and Storyline 360 communicate clearly with this LMS, they can also publish directly to it, eliminating many of the tedious steps of getting e-learning into a traditional LMS.

If you’re using a different LMS, though, figuring out whether it will work with Articulate software is actually pretty easy—think standards.

Several standards govern communication between e-learning courses and learning management systems. The most common are xAPI (Tin Can API) and SCORM. Articulate e-learning authoring tools can publish content to either of these standards.

So all you need to do is determine that your LMS can deliver and track courses published with those standards (we also support cmi5 and AICC—less-used standards). Then, when you publish your e-learning projects, just make sure you select the right output settings for your LMS.

To help you with selecting the right output settings for publishing your Articulate courses in an LMS, check out these helpful guides:

Any questions? Just share them in the comments and we’ll do our best to help you out. Considering buying Articulate software? Email us and we'll help you pick the right software for you.

Need to learn more about learning management systems? Don’t miss our series with everything you need to know about picking and using learning management systems.

Published 9 years ago
Version 1.0
  • Articulate will not work with Canvas unless Articulate has found a workaround.
    • Justin's avatar
      Hey, Janet!

      You'll find some folks at and at who were successful in their attempts at making Storyline and Studio work within the Canvas LMS, and you can also check out a guide from Canvas on how to import SCORM content into their LMS at Please do give those tested recommendations a try.

      In contrast to that, I also see some folks at who have said that Canvas does not support the SCORM standard, which is really the most prevalent standard in E-Learning these days. If that's true, you are correct that you may not be able to track learner progress/completion in Canvas, although you may still be able to upload your course and view it as non-trackable web content. That's a distinction to check with Canvas about.

      If you ever get stuck in understanding the LMS output options available in Storyline and Studio, please reach out to us at and we'll be happy to help!
  • ChrisPurvis's avatar
    Community Member
    Its not the case can an Articulate work with an LMS. We know this already, it can work with any LMS, Its what version of SCORM or TINCAN will be compatible with my LMS. All Content development software with the compliance of SCORM and TINCAN will work with an LMS its testing what version of SCORM and reporting it will work with your LMS.

    Being a developer and administrator in LMS's from SAP, Moodle , Cornerstone etc. I have found the same results.. happy testing ! :) All that aside Articulate rulez from rapid development of content to most LMS's.
  • Hi guys, which LMS are you using and it works well for Articulate Storyline 360? I am in search of a developer who can help with a website + Moodle and basically can share the code or setup a system for me..
  • ChandraRao's avatar
    Community Member
    Hi Justin, has anyone tested with Blackboard, whether an articulate project will work with Blackboard???
    • Justin's avatar
      Hey, Chandra!

      There are hundreds (maybe thousands) of Learning Management Systems on the market, so we can't test them all. However, here is an article from Blackboard on how to add SCORM content to their platform:

      If you have trouble with Blackboard, it looks like you can reach their support team at Likewise, if you ever need help publishing LMS output from Storyline or Studio, please reach out to us at and we'll be happy to help!
      • ChandraRao's avatar
        Community Member
        Thanks Justin, will check that link out
        *Chandra Rao | Educational Designer | * *Griffith online * *Griffith University | Logan Campus | L03 3.38 | QLD 4131 |* *T: (07) 338 21089 | **F: (07) 338 21333 | *
  • I've worked a lot with Moodle and my biggest gripe with it is how it doesn't support Tin Can API by default.

    Responsive web design is essentially the standard now and as a developer knowing how prevalent the use of mobile and tablets has become, you want to make sure that your content looks good on as many platforms as possible, as well as being able to continue to report on student interactions with the content.

    However, viewing a SCORM package embedded within Moodle on a phone or tablet does generally not translate to a great experience, as it lacks the responsiveness to re size the player.

    The obvious work around for this is to adjust the publish settings to allow the student to download the SCORM and view it on the optimised articulate player app, which solves the responsive problem you experience in the web browser.

    The issue you run into here is that the only version of SCORM that can track in the mobile app is Tin Can API that Moodle doesn't support.

    So you are therefore left with a choice of either having the SCORM package trackable but effectively unusable on a mobile device or for it to look great on a mobile or tablet but not be able to provide any reports.

    The only potential solutions I have seen in the past involve adding some java script into the LMS that kind of wraps an iframe around the player and allows it to scale up and down. However when viewed on a mobile the resolution is so small that it is for the most part unreadable.

    There is a developer who has created a plugin that you can use with Moodle to get the Tin Can API to report from a mobile -
    But it does require some expertise to setup as the content is hosted outside of Moodle.

    Would love to hear what other people have experienced and if anyone knows of a solution to Tin Can reporting.

  • AlexWest's avatar
    Community Member
    Hi all,

    I work with eLeaP software and it works perfectly with other softwares. Check out their website at and sign up for a quick live demo. My company has been working with eLeaP and we certainly love it. Also I am sharing a link to whatasoftware- this site helps you choose and compare different LMS to see which one works best for you. I hope it helps!
  • NatalieAnn's avatar
    Community Member
    Our orginisation is using blackboard on cloud as our LMS and Learning Locker on cloud as LRS.
    Tin Can API support is not incorporated into our LMS.
    We have learning objects in our LMS which are created using storyline 360.

    My question is:
    1) Since Tin Can API support is not incorporated into our LMS, is there a way to add Tin Can API features into our storyline 360 so the learning experience is record into the LRS? If so, how do we go about doing it?

    2) If Tin Can API is incorporated into our LMS, we just have to publish our storyline 360 using Tin Can API as and LMS entry, and the learning experience will be recorded into LRS automatically? Do we still need to to anything else to record into the LRS?

    3) How easy is it to incorporate Tin Can Api into blackboard? Does storyline 360 Tin Can API have any known issues with blackboard LMS on cloud?