The e-learning business have a long time of "book on screen", click to continue.. to account for and the solution is partly in clear and well researched articles like this and a debate about what is actually mostly waste or should simply be made available as one way information media and not measured or interactive at all.
I totally agree that length of training is not the crucial factor for the learning effect. In fact it could be argued? that for instance microlearnings trends might even worsen the attention problem for the students/users long term.
But when "e-learning" in corp world is used to describe "book on screens", it takes a while to re-capture the true meaning of e-learning and its complexities as well as its real opportunities.
I also agree on that development for learning on demand has a lower attention threshold to reach since we can already sort of assume interest and the user will more likely pull info and read instructions.
Thanks for sharing this article!