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Challenge Recaps

14 Audio Interviews with E-Learning Designers #364

DavidAnderson's avatar
3 years ago

Interviews with E-Learning Designers RECAP #364: Challenge | Recap

Course designers are often most comfortable pointing the microphone at clients, SMEs, and stakeholders. But this week, we turned the microphone around and asked course designers questions about the industry, their design process, measuring success, and much more.


Example | Thierry EMMANUEL

Jodi M. Sansone

Example | Jodi M. Sansone | Website | @jodimsansone

Jonathan Hill

Example | Jonathan Hill | Website | @DevByPowerPoint

Ron Katz

Example | Ron Katz | Website

Scott Wilson

Example | Learn more | Scott Wilson

Teresa Koontz

Example | Teresa Koontz | Website

Daniel Cañaveral

Example | Daniel Cañaveral

Rémi Rondin

Example | Rémi Rondin

Kandice Kidd

Example | Kandice Kidd

Peter Mercier

Example | Peter Mercier

Marianick Pichon

Example | Marianick Pichon

Sarah Gale

Example | Sarah Gale

Emine Sharma

Example | Emine Sharma

Yvonne Urra-Bazain

Example | Yvonne Urra-Bazain | Website

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The weekly challenges are ongoing opportunities to learn, share, and build your e-learning portfolios. You can jump into any or all of the previous challenges anytime you want. I’ll update the recap posts to include your demos.

If you have a blog, please consider writing about your challenges. We’ll link back to your posts so the great work you’re sharing gets even more exposure. 

If you share your demos on Twitter, please include #ELHChallenge so your tweeps can track your e-learning coolness.

Share Your E-Learning Podcast Interview Examples!

The 2022 podcast challenge is still open! If you have one or more ideas you'd like to share, please jump over to the original challenge and post your links in the comments section. I'll update this recap page to include your examples.

Published 3 years ago
Version 1.0