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Challenge Recaps

Preventing Workplace Violence E-Learning Examples #57

DavidAnderson's avatar
10 years ago


E-Learning Workplace Violence RECAP #57: Challenge | Recap

Is a compliance course in your e-learning future? Consider this week’s recap your e-learning guide to building better workplace violence scenarios.

Over the past week, course designers shared creative scenarios for preventing workplace violence in a variety of locations, including city taxis, coffee shops, and holiday events.

Thanks to everyone who shared a demo, comment, or feedback this week. Your participation helps all of us become better course designers.

Another way to become better designers is learning from the folks who share and write about their weekly challenges.

Not only will you pick up some course design and production tips, but you’ll help support the folks who share generously their time, ideas, and source files week after week.

Matt Guyan

View demo | Matt Guyan | Website | @MattGuyan

Kristin Anthony

View demo | Learn more | Kristin Anthony  | @anthkris

Jackie Van Nice

View demo | Learn more | Jackie Van Nice | @jackietrains

Richard Watson

View demo | Learn more | Richard Watson | @rwatsonID

Gerard Friel

View demo | Learn more | Gerard Friel | @gerardfriel

Dawn Tedesco

View demo | Dawn Tedesco

Dan Sweigert

View demo | Dan Sweigert | Website | @elearningwdan


About the E-Learning Challenges?

The weekly challenges are ongoing opportunities to learn, share, and build your e-learning portfolios. You can jump into any or all of the previous challenges anytime you want. I’ll update the recap posts to include your demos.

Share Your Workplace Violence Prevention Examples!

The workplace violence training challenge is still open! If you have one or more ideas you'd like to share, please jump over to the original challenge and post your links in the comments section. I'll update this recap page to include your examples.

Published 10 years ago
Version 1.0
  • DanSweigert's avatar
    Community Member
    Thanks you guys. Bert just needs to know where to submit the expense sheet for the airplane and banner ad?
    • TimSlade's avatar
      Super Hero
      Ah yes, expenses. Bert will have to complete Super Hero Expense Form 19B Alpha for Private Aircraft & Atmospheric Marketing. Make sure he understands that we only reimburse for first 50 nautical miles flown.
    • DavidAnderson's avatar
      Hey Dan -

      I was hoping someone would ask how you did the green screen effect? Did Bert work with a studio or ILM? Or was there a simpler solution?

      The effect is very clean.
      • DanSweigert's avatar
        Community Member
        Actually, the background image with the clouds, airplane, and banner were created in Storyline and the audio was recorded in Storyline as well. Then the video was shot with Bert lip-syncing in front of a large computer monitor with a desk lamp on him to add some lighting to his "face". It took a few adjustments to get keep the white edges of the screen from creeping into the video. You've got to allow some "bleed" around the edges of the screen to allow for the differences in the iPhone's video dimensions and the Storyline player to keep it clean. That meant keeping all the text and objects on the screen a reasonable distance from the edges so you could still see the whole thing without revealing the white edges. I hope I "articulated" that clearly!
    • DavidAnderson's avatar
      I still have a tear in my eye. Well done, Bert. Thanks for facilitating the release, Dan.

      I just feel bad for all the previous Heroes who didn't receive that level of welcome. Guess we can only look forward.
  • KuvaJacobs's avatar
    Community Member
    Hi David, I have a course I'd like to respond to a few challenges with, how do I submit the challenge entries?
    • DavidAnderson's avatar
      That's great, Kuva!

      The best way is to simply add a comment to the challenge with a link to your demo. If you have a blog post on your demo then you should include that link, too.

      It doesn't matter to me whether you reply to the original challenge post or the recap post. I get notified each time someone replies to a post and that's my trigger to add your demo.

      If you need a place to host your files, I can help with that, too. We have a server where I can store your published output. Let me know if you need any assistance with that.

      Thanks, Kuva!
    • DavidAnderson's avatar
      Hey Dawn! Your entry is right on time... there's never a deadline:-)

      I just updated the recap to include your demo. Question: Is that you doing both voices? A few folks recommended a challenge around doing character voices.
      • DawnTedesco's avatar
        Community Member
        Hi David,

        That is myself and my sister doing the 2 voices which is why we sound alike. My sister is a trained actress so I try and get her to do all the female vocals for me. I'd like to try a voice challenge.
  • jeff's avatar
    Community Member
    Good stuff everyone, still working on mine.

    Jerson, +1 for Female 01. Dave is being a ****!
  • Enjoying the great submissions of this week! All different styles! Well done!