Ok Darla, here is the link to the file itself
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/241847525/puzzle.storyYou will also need this Photoshop file / and Puzzle Vector (from Freepik.com) which are here....
https://www.dropbox.com/sh/k2xl241t4mxecbp/AACKSYGOw_ppRYU9iFaj9VATa?dl=0When you open the photoshop file you will notice that there are 3 layers - Bunny/ eggs/puzzle. Select the puzzle piece you need with the magic wand, jump to the egg layer for example, copy, paste as new file, save for web as .png - voila - one piece ready. You will need to do this for all the pieces you need.
In the folder the vector has other option of smaller/larger puzzles you could use too.
It was suggested by Oscar in the original challenge thread, that if you were looking for a crisper edge, you may want to use the pen tool instead to cut the pieces out and possibly use the bevel emboss filter to give them a slightly more 3d effect.
Any questions just ask!!