Blog Post


Storyline 360: Interactive Decision Tree Template

NicoleLegault1's avatar
6 years ago

Guide your learners through a set of decisions with this decision tree template, created in Storyline 360. Download the fonts (Fragua and Pacifico) to get the exact look-and-feel. 

View this project in action!

Published 6 years ago
Version 1.0
  • Hello, this template is so helpful, thank you! I had one question that I'm hoping someone can help with please. When it comes to the 'try again' button, I can't seem to get this to re-start the course? Although the trigger still says restart course when the user clicks the button, when I preview the slide, nothing happens when I click the try again button. I'm relatively new to using Storyline so it might be something really obvious that I need to change. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    • RachnaGhiya's avatar
      Community Member
      Kindly share your .story file once. I would love to have a look and see if I can resolve the same.
    • NicoleLegault1's avatar
      Hi Genevieve! Thanks for posting your comment. I'm glad you like this template. Are there any other triggers on your button that might be interfering with the restart course trigger? As mentioned below, you might need to Preview Entire Project instead of just the slide to verify if it is indeed working. Please try this, and if you still have issues please post your question and file here in the community for more asisstance:
  • JCLubbe's avatar
    Community Member
    Hi Genevieve, if you pre-view a section of the course, it doesn't always 'behave' as it should (triggers), because it stops at the end of the section. Try pre-viewing the entire project and see if it will go back to the start.
  • Thank you so much everyone for all of your feedback! The issue turned out to be the fact that instead of 'restart course' as the trigger, I should have been using 'jump to slide' and set it to jump to the same slide that the tree features in. The reason for this is that I used 5 different decision trees in my course (to match with the 5 different categories of research that are included) and I needed to have the 'start over' button just restart one particular tree within the course.
  • LaceyWieser's avatar
    Community Member
    HI Nicole, thank you so much for sharing the template for this interaction. I just completed something similar and having a starting template to see how you set this up was very helpful. Here's what I did with your template to allow for two pathways: choice A, choice B, or neither.
  • BrendaMadala's avatar
    Community Member
    Thank you for sharing this template. I needed something to walk through new process steps because the P&P was not going to be ready at the time of the training. I used this to walk through the steps. I just added layers to provide a bit more detail. It was a fresh approach that the learners appreciated.
  • MaryCooley's avatar
    Community Member
    Love this decision tree. Thanks for sharing. Quick question- I've added a short voice over but when the learner hits the retry button the voice over repeats. Is there a way to deactivate the audio when the slide is revisited?
  • LucThibault's avatar
    Community Member
    Thank you Nicole. This template will help me start my prototype