Blog Post


Storyline: Drag-and-Drop States Template

AllisonLaMotte's avatar
4 years ago

Looking for an easy way to show learners what they got right and wrong in a drag-and-drop interaction? Use the drag-and-drop states in Storyline 360! You can either show them right away or after the learner clicks submit. It's up to you!

Explore this template to see what that looks like.

And read this article to find out how to set it up from scratch.

Published 4 years ago
Version 1.0
  • This could be really handy, thanks for sharing! Love that you included flexibility with revealing correct/incorrect answers to the learner.
  • Hi Allison, I think this could be a good starting point for a project I'm working on, so I appreciate you sharing this so timely!
    I already know I will have to add several components, but if you will allow to me to brainstorm, I know this community can help me come up with a winner.
    I will have a large list of words/terms on the left (scrolling?), and will need the users to narrow down the selection by selecting about twenty to begin with for the first column, and then about ten for the second column. Then (as if it wasn't already stacking up), I would need to clear the original left column and repopulate it with the 20 options from column 1 to allow users to hone in more clearly on the options. I think I will be able to take the "final" results and move it to a printable format, but that's the last
    • AllisonLaMotte's avatar
      Hi Larry!
      What a coincidence that I shared this right when you need it! That's awesome. I'm having a hard time picturing exactly what you're trying to do. Any chance you've started building something and can share it over in the Building Better Courses forum ( )? That way I can give it a closer look and see if I can give you any pointers.
  • ImanKamran's avatar
    Community Member
    Thank you so much for sharing, this was perfect for my course!