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Storyline: Jeopardy-Inspired Game Show Template

SarahHodge's avatar
Former Staff
4 years ago

Create a fun-filled e-learning quiz with this Storyline 360 game show template. Easily replace placeholder text to quickly gamify your content.  

View project in action.

Download the fonts Poppins Regular and Poppins Semi-bold to get the same look and feel.

Published 4 years ago
Version 1.0
  • You game is really cool! I have to did you get the opening scene's light to blink off and on. I have been studying this and just can't figure it out. would be very grateful if you would share your secrets :)
    • SarahHodge's avatar
      Former Staff
      Thanks, Paul! I used a few oval (circle) shapes for each light, added a Shape Effect - Glow, and stacked them on top of each other. One has a subtle glow and the other has a thicker glow. I also edited the timeline so they only show for 1/2 a second each, then added the jump to time trigger to start the effect over to give it that blinking effect. Every other light has the same effect so they switch off.
      • PaulRowland-806's avatar
        Community Member
        Thank you so much. I see that all now so plainly. Thanks for explaining it. That really helped me out.
  • PrinciaPorto's avatar
    Community Member
    The question I receive is :
    “How do you want to open this file?
    Look for an App at Microsoft Store”
  • PrinciaPorto's avatar
    Community Member
    I found the idea of a game very interesting.
    I was able to download it but I have not been able to open it on my computer.
    Please help me!
    • SarahHodge's avatar
      Former Staff
      I'm sorry that's happening Princia. Can you share a bit more about what happens when you try to open it? Do you see an error message?
  • Hi Sarah,

    This is great! Thanks so much for sharing, very timely. Question for you: B is the correct answer for all of the questions. How do I mix it up? I can't seem to get it to work. Thanks!
  • FaffieKhan's avatar
    Community Member
    Thank you very much for making this.
    How do I set the correct answer for the bonus question?
    • SarahHodge's avatar
      Former Staff
      Hi Faffie! Great question! While on the slide, go to Form View. On the left, there is a list of Acceptable Answers. Any text you type in those fields will be counted as correct. Just make sure you take into account all the possible spelling learners might type. If they type anything different from what’s in those fields, it will be marked as Incorrect. I hope that helps!
  • GraemeClarke's avatar
    Community Member
    You make me realise I am but a cave painter with a stick.
    I hate you with a passion. lol
    Brilliant as always !!
    • SarahHodge's avatar
      Former Staff
      Graeme, your comment made me 😂. Since I can’t find the right image, just imagine a caveman pointing at a rock with the message…You rock! 😁
  • Fantastic as always! Thank you Sarah. How long did this one take you to build?
    • SarahHodge's avatar
      Former Staff
      Nadelle, I so wish I could tell you! I worked on other projects during this time, so I can’t say for sure how much time it took. I will say, due to my indecisiveness, I spent more time deciding on the color theme than actually building out the interaction. 😬