Dice rolls are a simple way to add light gamification to your courses. You’ve likely seen people make them using a combination of triggers and variables, as they’re a popular interaction type for adding an element of surprise. But what’s so exciting about Storyline 360 is there are often many different ways to create the same experience.
In this example, explore a beginner-friendly alternative approach that uses Storyline 360 question banks to do most of the heavy lifting for you. It just takes four easy steps:
- Create a new question bank.
- Add a slide for each screen of content you want to have in the mix.
- Customize each slide with your content and a simple animation showing how the dice roll turns out.
- Add a question draw to your course.
And that’s all there is to it! The question bank will automatically handle randomizing those slides for you.
Curious about other ways to use this approach? Then check out this wheel spinning interaction. While it might look completely different, it was made using the exact same process.