I love all your recogisable examples!
Just some samples from my career that immediately spring to mind:"
-it's nice, but I thought e-learning would move around more' (read: consequently added gratuitous animation on three quarters of content)
'This interactive simulation is great, but why don't you just make it 'next-next-next' so people are finished sooner?'
'Fantastic scenario-based ideas. But don't forget we need the CEO's speech in the beginning.'
'Can the certificate have a more curly border? It does not look real enough.'
'Oh I'd grown really attached to my little clipart characters in the Powerpoint. Why did you change them?' (because you used about 50 different ones all in different styles?)
'We need the pictures of the full team in the beginning' (three weeks later: John has left the team, can you take his photo out?)
But don't we all love our job? :)