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E-Learning Challenges

Design an Ethics Course Template with Clipart #9

DavidAnderson's avatar
11 years ago

E-Learning Challenge #9: Challenge | Recap

I think last week’s challenge is one of my favorites so far. The design constraints of working with clip art brought out truly innovative ideas. It reminds me, once again, of the amazing creativity in this community.

This week we’re tightening the design constraints even more. Everyone will work from the same clip art style to design a corporate-friendly template.

Challenge of the Week

Using clip art Style 1368, design a course template for a corporate ethics e-learning course.  

Include at least three content slides and two quizzing slides. Your slides can be static or built out as working interactions. We just want to see how your template carries across your project.

To help keep you focused on the template design, you can pull content from this Ethics Training for Special Government Employees course.


You can use PowerPoint, Word, Articulate Storyline, Articulate Studio ’09, or Articulate Studio ’13, to design your ethics template.

Note: It’s easier to show and share your examples in highlight posts if you publish in Studio or Storyline.


Refer to last week’s clip art challenge for articles about using clip art in e-learning.

Sharing your examples

  • Comments: Use the comments section below to share a link to your published project. The comments section allows links but not attachments. If you have a question or want to share your source files, you should use the forums.
  • Forums: Create your own thread in our forums, and share a link to your published source file. You can also attach your project files if you’d like some help or feedback.
  • Personal blog: Post your published example on your own blog.

Last week's challenge

If you haven’t looked over the previous demos shared by your fellow community members, please make the time to do so! What I like most about these challenges is that I see new ideas in even the most basic examples.

To keep you honest for this week’s ethics challenge, check out the clip art solutions these amazing designers shared over the past week:

Have a great week, E-Learning Heroes!

Post written by David Anderson

Published 11 years ago
Version 1.0