A few things about my template I wanted to share as it was so much fun putting it together.
The opening video is actually the Olympic trailer from the Dutch sports program that shows the Olympics. I just setup Articulate Replay to record it from an online video and imported it into my course.
The navigation is based on Davids demo he showed me two years ago (http://learn.articulate.com/custom-navigation/) obviously the textual buttons could also be icons. I added the fly-in downward point arrow to emphasize the menu.
Since I wanted to be a mobile template I removed the standard previous and next buttons and added to custom buttons to the left and right of the screen. Add a nice push slide transition and the mobile experience is complete.
One of the pages I have not put together but is part of the menu is an achievements section called Medals. The idea is that a user can earn medals going through the course. The menu could reflect the amount of achievements that have been awarded to trigger the learner to check out the Achievements/Medals page.
Interaction wise I added a drag-video-to-player question and a drag-to-select-chapter interaction (selecting an event to learn more).
One tiny extra I've played around with is the image on the Slopestyle Snowboarding page. I love the Parallax effect (if you don't know it, google it!) and I tried to do something similar where the snowboarder ever so subtly moves across the image. It took some fiddling with the image and a simple PowerPoint motion animation but I love the result!