Desktop and Office Theme Designs in E-Learning #5
E-Learning Challenge #5: Challenge | Recap
Office and desktop designs visually reflect our attempts to tame real-life’s entropy: organized clutter, rich textures, and non-linear layouts. Let’s take a look at an example:
This office design theme was created for executive assistants. The non-linear layouts allowed me to vary my content holders (paper, note cards, sticky notes) to accommodate text-heavy slides.
I created a dozen or more layouts for that project. But everything was designed around a single background comprised of three elements:
Simple, right? The trick is to balance the background graphics and content holders so they don’t compete with your content. That’s why desks, folders, cork boards, cube walls are great background objects. Then use elements like paper, picture frames, sticky notes, and note cards for content holders.
Challenge of the week
Now it’s your turn! Show the community your desktop- or office-themed designs:
- Objective: Create an office or desktop course template. Include at least three different content slides, and more if you’d like. Your slides can be static or built out as working interactions. The objective is to show how us how your design will carry across your project.
- Tools: You can use Articulate Storyline, Articulate Studio, or PowerPoint to create your examples.
Tom posted a bucketful of office and desktop templates. We also have binders of inspiring Screenrs and templates you can use to create your designs:
PowerPoint templates:
Storyline templates:
Office, paper, and desktop theme examples:
- 50+ Beautiful Website Designs Using Office Stationery
- 30 Desktop and Office Themed Website Designs
- 20 Website Designs with a Desktop Motif
Last week’s challenge
The examples shared in last week’s flat design challenge can be summarized in one word, three syllables: Amazing. Not only did you make it our biggest challenge ever, the examples were some of the most creative we’ve seen. One of the biggest takeaways for me was that even the simple examples generated tons of ideas.
Share Your Office Theme Designs!
You can still share your office and desktop theme designs. Just hop over to the 2019 challenge and post your examples!