Thanks Daniela, Drop Box is another great solution,
The reason I didn't mention dropbox and didn't use it is because of the warning Tom gives in his article;
"WARNING: For the most part Google Drive and Dropbox do a decent job of sharing published course files. However, they’re not designed to deliver elearning courses and often the load time is slow or you may have some issues with the content playing the way it should. That’s something to keep in mind because if this is for client work, you want to give the best experience possible and you may not get that with Google drive and Dropbox."
He also mentioned that in Amazon the file will play as intended;
"Amazon S3 is a better solution than Dropbox and Google Drive because the files will play as intended"
I have never used Dropbox before so I can't personal comment on it's performace.
PS. I really like your profile pic! What town is in the background? It looks Mediterranean?Italy?