HHS Facelift Demo
https://go.aws/2LiEuEGWhen I get a project to face-lift an existing course I usually start with an elements board (e.g., colors, logo requirements, fonts, icons treatment) and then I do a quick demo to see how far the client wants to go with the facelift. I've never done work for the government but I am guessing they would prefer a more conservative approach. So I tried to create a nice, clean look and showed some different ways to serve up their existing content. I usually share something like this and ask for "love it" and "hate it" feedback before spending a ton of time on it. I used Pantone Color of the Year 2020 again and some content treatments from the Articulate 360 library. I added one element--the HHS logo--which I had never seen before. It's actually a very inspiring logo--the profile of people in the shape of an eagle. Nice job, whoever did it, and one of the versions was in Classic Blue, so it worked. Have a good week!