I'm impressed and humbled by all the superb work I'm seeing from you folks!!
My contribution may be a little off-target, as it's a product design research results presentation from a couple years ago, where I was 'educating' a client on what was already out on the market, and explaining basic mechanics to someone who is not an engineer or designer.
It's also my first crack at bringing a static Powerpoint into Articulate and then animating elements of it.
https://googledrive.com/host/0BziOV-5cd2_SfkVjdWsxMWV5a1htaTQ1cWJ3aElxMGVpdFRDMlUzcFMtQjJwSFIwU0ZzRW8My research may seem woefully incomplete and disjointed, since I've only included slides that are relevant to this challenge, and because some slides would give away details of the project which is still awaiting patent protection.
Tell me what works, and what doesn't!
[FYI, most of the animations are passive, and the only interactive part is the 'lever' slide at the end]