Here's the link to check it out in my GitHub:, y'all! Just happened to see this and recalled my recent use of a random number variables to create a "Random question" interaction I built for one of the courses for our clients. The visual presentation in what I'm sharing needs to be improved upon, though. I spent most of my time trying to figure out how I could get it to work the way I wanted to.
Anyway, I've replaced "most" of the assets with placeholders and Pirate Ipsum text :P. Basically, it pulls a question from the questions you've created. Each question is a separate layer. If you answer correctly, you get a correct message. If you miss it, you get an error message and the question is "added back to the pile".
Then, you get another question randomly! I even created a layer to let you know when a new question is loading if the random number call is taking too long. This will happen as you answer questions correctly, because the slide is basically calling a random number, but if you've already answered that question, we don't want it to be shown twice, right? So, the "feedback loop" I created calls a random number until it corresponds to one of the questions leftover. Sometimes, though, this can take several seconds, and I wanted learners to know that the interaction was still working.
I won't lie, it took A LOT of trial and error to get this to work. I basically had to figure out a way to create my own feedback loop in Storyline 360, but rest assured that everything you see in this example is done 100% in Storyline 360. No custom JS or anything like that!
It's not perfect, and I would LOVE to have more time in the future to work on the concept. As you can imagine, the more questions (layers) you add, the more care you have to take in attention to detail, as each question adds that many more variables and triggers, but it IS possible.
NOTE: There will be a "Review" button that pops up. It doesn't work. It's a vestige of the original that I built for the client. I just forgot to remove it. Also, when you have only one answer remaining, a "Continue" button will pop up. This is because there is a bug in all of the trigger/variable mess that only sometimes causes the last answer to freeze. So, you can't actually click it. The "continue" button is failsafe. :)
Anyway, have fun!