I almost forgot to share my project this week! I actually started this for the scrolling panel challenge but was unable to finish that week. It's a Seinfeld quiz, but even if you aren't a Seinfeld fan, you will be able to answer the questions correctly if you use the clues (which is where the scrolling panels are used).
I used ChatGPT to help write the feedback message after the answer is submitted and the answers for challenge question #4. I asked it to write in the style of Seinfeld and I think it did a pretty good job. With his permission, I used the words from Daniel Canaveral's Custom Glossary (Challenge #396) in the message. Dan also gave me some feedback to help enhance the quiz! Thanks Dan!
https://360.articulate.com/review/content/81a576f0-5a58-4523-9960-d4d56d7f4b66/reviewIf you get a question correct without using the clues, you will be given a challenge question and will not be able to use clues. I was excited to figure this out. The objects that cover the clues have a hidden state that is triggered when clicked and I set up a variable to show a different feedback layer depending on if the learner got the question correct without using the clues, or with the use of the clues.