E-Learning Cereal Box Makeovers #106: Challenge | Recap
Challenge of the Week
This week, your challenge is to design a cereal box with e-learning as the theme. Fortify your design with healthy superlatives, attention-grabbing bursts, and witty catchphrases.
You can create your cereal box in either portrait or landscape mode and can be based on a popular or fictional cereal brand. Your entry can be static or interactive. If you’re going with static, then the Oddest Course Title challenge will be a great place of inspiration.
Essential Ingredients of an E-Learning Breakfast
The design techniques used to create cereal boxes are just like those used to design e-learning slides.
They both use design elements like backgrounds, title and body text, characters, and related objects. The biggest difference is the orientation.
If you’re inspired, try creating portrait and landscape versions of your entry.
Free Prize Inside
Remember the joy of seeing the plastic-wrapped toy fall into your cereal bowl? Those cheap toys made breakfast the best meal of the day!
What’s the e-learning equivalent of cereal swag? Try taking a page from Seth Godin’s Free Prize Inside for prize ideas to include in your e-learning makeover.
Nutritional Learning Label
Help learners make healthier e-learning choices by informing them that their course is safe and nutritious.
Nutrition labels are a great design element for breaking down the course ingredients or stating the course objectives.
Selling breakfast cereal is a competitive industry. You’ll need to turn your graphic gaudiness up a few notches to compete for your learners’ attention.
Previous challenges:
Design a Cover Slide for the Oddest E-Learning Course Title of the Year #73
Grabbing Attention and Motivating Learners in E-Learning #93
Cereal design and slogans:
33+ Creative Cereal Slogans & Boxes
List of 60 Catchy Cereal Slogans and Good Taglines
Last Week’s Challenge:
Before you fortify this week’s challenge with obvious marketing ploys, check out the creative ideas your fellow community members shared for showing dialogue in e-learning:
Wishing you a GR-R-REAT! week, E-Learning Heroes!
New to the E-Learning Challenges?
The weekly challenges are ongoing opportunities to learn, share, and build your e-learning portfolios. You can jump into any or all of the previous challenges anytime you want. I’ll update the recap posts to include your demos.