Okay everyone! It's done. I created a vodcast as I am more comfortable doing video than audio. I might convert the mp4 files to mp3 if I've got the time and do a soundcloud version as I do think that rocks as well. During the recording I was mindful of the fact I wanted to do this so I explicitly crafted the question in my answer.
For this challenge I wanted to try something new and remembered a previous challenge (using your mobile device) so I shot this on my iPad. I just put my daughters toybox on the kitchen table while she was at school and during my son's nap shot the whole thing. I did some basic trimming on the iPad with an app I downloaded for free and voila. After I finally managed to get the files onto my PC I created a Youtube Playlist (never done that before) so users would get a nice overview of all the questions and can easily skip back and forth like you would on Soundcloud.
Hope you like it!