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E-Learning Challenges

Preventing Workplace Violence: E-Learning Scenarios #57

DavidAnderson's avatar
10 years ago

E-Learning Workplace Violence #57: Challenge | Recap

What’s the first word that pops into your mind when you hear “compliance training?” 

If you’re like most course designers (and learners), you know that compliance training isn't typically where one finds showcase e-learning examples.

That makes sense. Most compliance courses are designed to share information and create awareness more than change behaviors. Some topics, such as preventing workplace violence, can be designed as information- and performance-based courses.

The challenge for course designers is striking the balance between information sharing and relevant interactions. And that’s what this week’s e-learning challenge is all about!

Challenge of the week

This week your challenge is to show scenario examples designed to prevent or address workplace violence.

You can structure your demo any way you like—just be sure to include some type of scenario.

If you’re looking for a practical model, take a look at Tom’s 3-C scenario model. We use this model a lot in our workshops because it’s simple and works with any content.


Thanks to Raye Shilen for suggesting this week's challenge topic.


Here are some scenario resources to help you get started:

Compliance-based training

Blog posts on e-learning scenarios

Forum discussions on scenarios

Share your e-learning work

  • Comments: Use the comments section below to share a link to your published project and blog post.
  • Forums: Create your own thread in our E-Learning Heroes forums and share a link to your published demo.
  • Personal blog:  If you have a blog, please consider writing about your challenges. We’ll link back to your posts so the great work you’re sharing gets even more exposure.
  • Twitter: If you share your demos on Twitter, try using #ELHChallenge so your tweeps can track your e-learning coolness.
  • Facebook: Reply to this Facebook post with a link to compliance demo.

Last week's challenge

Before you jump into this week's challenge, take a look at the top things instructional designers don't like to hear:

E-Learning Challenge Recap #56: Challenge | Recap

New to the e-learning challenges?

The weekly challenges are ongoing opportunities to learn, share, and build your e-learning portfolios. You can jump into any or all of the previous challenges anytime you want. I’ll update the recap posts to include your demos.

If you have a blog, please consider writing about your challenges. We’ll link back to your posts so the great work you’re sharing gets even more exposure.

If you share your demos on Twitter, try using #ELHChallenge so your tweeps can track your e-learning coolness.

Published 10 years ago
Version 1.0
    • KristinAnthony's avatar
      Community Member
      We need the dough... So bad it's good. Love the graphics as well. But how was our gingerbread man walking around the streets with an axe? Sounds like an unsafe 'hood.
      • JackieVanNice's avatar
        Super Hero
        Glad you enjoyed it, Kristin! I guess workplace violence isn't limited to the good 'hoods anymore. :)
    • MelissaMilloway's avatar
      Community Member
      Your humor just gets me. I love the graphics. I'm a fan of using vector images with raster if done tastefully. I think you hit the nail on the head.
      • JackieVanNice's avatar
        Super Hero
        Thanks, Melissa! I loved those images too. Glad you liked it. :)
    • MatthewGuyan's avatar
      Good one Jackie! I did it a couple of times just to see what would happen if I made a different choice. I don't think I can look at gingerbread men the same way now.....
      • JackieVanNice's avatar
        Super Hero
        Thanks, Matt! Yeah, Dan had a lot of gingerbread-related comments after he went through it. Clearly made an impression on him.
    • DanielAdeboye's avatar
      Community Member
      Mel... We'll thought out and great work!
      I loved the city scenario and the different cases, however I couldn't view the last case before it told me mission complete...
      • MelissaMilloway's avatar
        Community Member
        Thank you! Ah, Daniel you may have to get rid of cookies. I updated this one a bit ago. As soon as you X out of the final scenario feedback it has a trigger that launches the mission complete layer. There is no way that it would launch unless you have viewed all the correct feedback. You could have possibly just hit the x really fast on the final correct layer too.
    • Jerson-Campos's avatar
      Community Member
      Really like the open feeling you created without the borders. I need to do that more often.
      • MelissaMilloway's avatar
        Community Member
        I just started doing it! I'm trying to give it less of a templatey feel.
    • RichardWatson's avatar
      Super Hero

      I loved your multiple scenarios. Unfortunately, I was unable to help Thomas with the stalker! I agree, coming up with the scenario was much harder than creating it in Storyline.

      Enjoyed the context for each!

      • MelissaMilloway's avatar
        Community Member
        Thank you, Richard. I feel like this was a really good challenge for me to improve my skills in building scenarios. I'd really like to make a more realistic/immersive one like the taxi one.
  • As an aside, how great is it that we can now 'like' comments and reply directly to someone else's comment!
  • These are great! I love the characters that Matt chose and the scenarios. I also really enjoyed the opening for Kristin's

    My biggest fear is that I am going to wind up with almost the same content/look feel as someone else. I am glad that has not happened yet!
    • jeff's avatar
      Community Member
      HA, you'll probably rock this challenge with a cool 8bit game if I know you!
      • MelissaMilloway's avatar
        Community Member
        I didn't. :( I went for something more traditional but with a bit of my fun style.
    • MatthewGuyan's avatar
      Thanks Mel. Your demos are always terrific, so I know you'll come up with something great! One of the great things I find with the challenges is that even if I'm stuck for ideas the demos seem to get the ideas flowing.
    • DavidAnderson's avatar
      I wouldn't worry about similar looks. We're all using roughly the same characters and starting templates.

      Poor Atsumi, right? She's starred in some seriously amazing and horrible e-learning courses the past two years. Wonder how she handles that with her agents:-)
    • GerardFriel's avatar
      Community Member
      Great work on the taxi dashboard Kristen. It felt like I was in the cab!
    • DanielAdeboye's avatar
      Community Member
      Nice one Kristin, I enjoyed the scenario and love the background sound as well. Obviously plenty of work, we'll done!
    • RichardWatson's avatar
      Super Hero

      Nice job. I really enjoyed your use of background sound and the context of cab drivers. That is a job that I would never do... too crazy!

      Thanks for sharing!
  • Thanks Jackie! I wanted to use Tom's 3-C's - Challenge, Choice, Consequence in the design and this was a good challenge for that.
    • GerardFriel's avatar
      Community Member
      Nice work Matt. I like the way the choices are worded. All seem reasonable options.
    • RichardWatson's avatar
      Super Hero

      Nice job! I really liked your scenario and follow up feedback.
      I guess it's not OK to just beat the bully up huh? :)

      • MatthewGuyan's avatar
        Thanks Richard! I didn't think of that, maybe I need another option :P
    • jeff's avatar
      Community Member
      That's how it's done Matt! Agree with Jackie and David. The feedback per choice makes all the difference!
  • Any chance someone would like to turn the Preventing Workplace Violence scenarios into a course and sell it on I would be interested to work with anyone who would like to.