I love to challenge myself and a while ago i planned to get a multiuser / multiplayer setup working inside the major rapid authoring tools i work in. That is Lectora and Storyline. In Lectora i already had this approach working, but the more closed environment of Storyline always hindered me. Still does actually, but atm diving deeply into Storyline 360. And so i got the first step working for creating multi-user experiences in Storyline.
https://360.articulate.com/review/content/0a99632c-70e6-4b1f-8406-ed4773b41692/reviewHere you can see a screencapture of me showing my multi-user setup. Its far from finished, but as you can see it is a working multiuser approach. Next steps are offcourse testing this on a LMS and giving the user(s) things to do...and then reflecting that to the other user(s).