Apparently, my first e-learning course prepared me for many of your challenges, David. Too bad I don't have my file here at the TechKnowledge conference. I used Storyline to record simulations of Microsoft Outlook to correspond to what my course was covering. I learned A LOT recording those three "simple" little videos. I learned that winging it isn't really possible when you want animations and it is amazing how many times you mess up the simplest tasks when you are recording yourself and trying to go slow for the participant. And I of course recorded the screen captures without a real direction or purpose, THEN scripted the audio, and then recorded the audio and added animation. I definitely made my task much harder going in that direction. Next time, I'll know exactly what I want to say and the steps I want to highlight. Then record the audio and the screen captures last...I think.
Perhaps, I'll think up a new idea and work on that while here.