Valentine's Day Interactions #219: Challenge | Recap
Hugs ‘n’ Kisses
Here’s a creative version of everyone’s favorite childhood game. Shared in the community on Valentine’s Day, this e-learning game is a great opportunity to learn advanced Storyline techniques.
Love Letter Mad Libs
Get ready for some romance themed silliness with this mad-lib Valentine. Storyline variables make it easy to create this fun interaction!
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Challenge of the Week
This week your challenge is to design an interactive graphic, demo, or activity that features a Valentine’s Day theme.
Last Week’s Challenge
Before you put your heart into this week's challenge, check out the buzzworthy personality quizzes your fellow community members shared over the past week:
Personality Quizzes in E-Learning #218: Challenge | Recap
New to the E-Learning Challenges?
The weekly challenges are ongoing opportunities to learn, share, and build your e-learning portfolios. You can jump into any or all of the previous challenges anytime you want. I’ll update the recap posts to include your demos.