I just wanted to share a quick slide that was inspired by Sarah Hodge’s excellent drag and drop template
https://community.articulate.com/download/storyline-accessible-drag-and-drop-chat-interaction. I downloaded the template and modified it for our brand and to include 4 choices. In the course, each scenario includes 4 choices, some that are better than others. The learner can click, drag, or use tab/enter to make their selections, and then feedback displays. I’m trying to use the word ‘select’ over ‘click’ to account for various ways to interact.
https://360.articulate.com/review/content/20533562-c3c3-42e4-9da6-a39d2877096c/reviewI kept color simple with black text on a white slide background and black on light orange answer choices (checked with WebAIM for color contrast with available colors in our palette). Like many others have said, we’re also trying to make things accessible and engaging, and can always learn and improve on it.