isn't much there at the moment (sorry 'bout that!). I just have 2 ELH challenges, an about me page, and a contact page.
My portfolio was built and hosted on Webflow. I was looking to build something that was responsive. The learning curve was steeper than I expected, but I think it was worth it. As for my tips:
Tip #1: Keep browsing through other people's work (outside of ID). It sounds a cliche, but it's true. Whenever I found something that I like, I tried to integrate it into my site.
Go through them and ask yourself things like: What I you like best about their site? What's their process? What were my takeaways from reading their case studies? What's their personal touch?
Tip #2: Relax when you can. Again, cliche but vital. It was easier for me to overcome roadblocks when I took time off to catch up on shows or play some games.