Hi, I just stumbled upon this thread and i thought I will share what we did for one of our clients sometime back. I felt this is a great way of using AI in courses and someone might find this useful.
So in healthcare training you have these large PI documents which the physicians can refer to. These documents contain the Prescribing Information (PI) for drugs, dosage information, side effects etc. These are typically large documents and are provided as reference material along with the courses.
So we integrated IBM Watson AI chat capabilities within the Storyline course window. For this to work you have to upload the PI document to your IBM Watson account. They have free and paid plans based on the number of users and features selected. You receive a simple HTML code snippet to add to your Storyline 360 Output HTML player. Plug that in and you have a chat overlay on your Storyline output.
Now your learners can have a conversational chat with the AI Chatbot and get answers to questions related to the PI document without having to read through the whole document. The Chatbot along with the response would also give a direct link to the reference which allows the learner to jump to that part of the document for further reading.
I felt this was a great way of helping learners find answers where there are large reference documents to read through. A much bigger implementation on the same line could be where your LMS allows you to search for an answer and the Chatbot returns a response along with links to the all the relevant courses and reference documents.
Since this is my first post. Please let me know your thoughts.