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E-Learning Challenges

Show Us Your E-Learning Portfolio #46

DavidAnderson's avatar
11 years ago

Share Your E-Learning Portfolio (#46): Challenge | Recap

Challenge of the week

This week’s challenge is all about your e-learning portfolios. We already know you do awesome work, and we want to help others find your awesome work.

Last week’s e-learning challenge

E-Learning Audio Tips & Tricks

Share Your E-Learning Portfolios

This challenge is closed, but you can share your e-learning portfolios in the following challenges:

Published 11 years ago
Version 1.0
  • SharronWalker's avatar
    Community Member

    My name is Sharron Tendai and I am a Learning Design and Technology graduate student.

    My learning philosophy is centered on cognitive learning principles, specifically how the learning impacts behavior change, with emphasis on problem solving approaches also known as constructivism.

    I believe that learning materials must be designed based on proven needs of the learner.

    I believe that multimedia plays an integral role in learning design and that instruction that is solely based on text or didactic presentation does not motivate learners.

    I am guided by the belief that to solve a problem, a learning designer much first understand the nature of the problem and be open to multiple potential solutions.

    Here is a link to my portfolio:

    Thank you,

  • DevlinPeck's avatar
    Community Member
    I've just completed a full redesign of my portfolio website! You can find it here:

    Almost all of the projects in the portfolio are completed with Articulate Storyline :D
  • Hi folks! I'm updating this challenge today. Sorry for the delay. I see so many new entries on these older challenges.
    • TracyCarroll's avatar
      Community Member
      Hi James,

      I like the look of your website!

      I would like to see some actual interaction examples in your portfolio, if possible. I clicked on the images and was disappointed that they didn't lead to working examples.
      • JamesAird's avatar
        Community Member
        Thank you for your feedback! Do you suggest any tools to present demos?
  • BenHaizlip's avatar
    Community Member
    Hi everyone. I was scrolling through the weekly challenges and this one caught my interest. I have a question though. It seems many of you are creating entire websites to post your portfolios. That's not unexpected I guess, but as someone who is considering creating a professional portfolio for the first time what are things I could/would/should look for in a website? I should also state that I am very happy in my current job and with my current company, so I would be creating this as a site to demonstrate my abilities to internal clients, and not as a way to seek new or different employment.
      • Yvonne's avatar
        Community Member
        Thank you so much, David! I learned about Storyline from my neighbor Sarah Hodge, who explained that there was an excellent community to support learning the program. I've enjoyed every learning opportunity and the supportive comments/feedback from others participating in the challenges, too. I greatly look forward to getting any work in this field and strive to push my limits within the Articulate 360 software suite.

        Thank you for your message. It's been a highlight of my day! :)