Hi Paul, Yes, motion path and wipe at same speeds. But there is a way (from what I've read a few ways) to add user control of reveal. This one uses a slider and states, which is simple and effective, albeit somewhat labor intensive. Here is a link
http://blog.keypointlearn.com/2015/02/18/before-after-image-slider-in-storyline-2-an-experiment. The .story file is provided in the article. I create slices in PS for precision and to maintain seamless. Here is the author's finished product:
http://dev.keypointlearn.com/xcl73_SL2/Wall/V4/story.html Joanna Kurpiewska (her challenge is towards the top) has provided a youtube link to another method that uses scrolling panels, the author (Nejc Zorga Dulmin ) says it can be used with a slider, or buttons, so the user can interact and control the reveal. Haven't tried this one yet.