Here's the one I've started using in PowerPoint. I used to use a smaller version that just showed what was on the slide, however I've expanded that to include space around the slide to record information on animations, navigation, voiceover. There is also space available for reviewers to add their comments.
I find it helps me visually to put the side content inside a "player". It helps both me and the SME to visualise it as an elearning course.
The first page is to record the course title, outline and Learning objectives. Has anyone else has the experience of developing a course and realising half way through that you've not been consistent in the title? Best to write it down up front!
The second page is just the template on its own.
The third page shows how I separate out separate elements. e.g. right answers to a scenario / quiz in green; incorrect answers in red; information that pops up on screen in blue (change state or layers); quiz feedback in grey.
It helps me organise my thoughts so when I come to build the course it goes more smoothly.