I'm always so curious about how IDs go about storyboarding. Whenever I see a great e-learning module I always want to see the original storyboard. Sometimes the two look pretty similar - sometimes it's hard to imagine how one resulted from the other!
I hate Word storyboards with a passion (some clients insist on using them but they always end up being too 'texty' - with too much focus on words and descriptions of visuals). For me I need the layout and creative freedom that comes with PowerPoint. I've searched for other storyboarding tools but never found anything that really works for e-learning.
However I do use word for the Storyboard Outline. This is my initial scoping document with the key topics and learning outcomes plus rough timings. Once this is signed off I use a PowerPoint template for the storyboard.
Three templates attached. One of the Storyboard Outlines encourages use of a simple ID framework (see 'A Simple Learning Design Framework'