Hello, hello! This is my very first submission of my very first Weekly Challenge:
https://360.articulate.com/review/content/be289704-1d1f-4f94-92ec-1ed50ef0c898/reviewDOWNLOAD -
https://1drv.ms/u/s!AlBb7Li5Jss7qgugTiXe_FTDz4sm?e=bfASJsThis is the 'Descript' app. It lets you transcribe your videos and audio podcasts so that you don't have to type up your own subtitles manually! You can even edit the video by removing vocal fillers (like, um, uh) without needing to use a different video editing program!
My project is admittedly hastily done, but I'm getting better and faster at designing each project. Anyway, mine not only includes zooming images and animated GIFs, but I also have a slider that lets you change the image to show different "modes" of the app