We use the SAM model for product development, so my submission is an early prototype that demonstrates core functionality.
When presented with lists like these 9 events, I try to avoid turning them into interactive bullet points (click 'a' to read about 'a', click 'b' to read about 'b' etc...). This prototype shows the 3 steps that I'd follow to help make this relate to other instructional designers.
http://s3.amazonaws.com/tempshare-stage.storyline.articulate.com/sto_1arkre1104rc1o0i17ia1g69jbv9/story.htmlSlide 1: gives an overview of the steps. this could be text, video, images, etc... It's pure content deliver.
Slide 2: requires the learner to apply their knowledge, matching each of the steps to a scenario that is realistic for their workplace. Lightboxes allow them to refer to the earlier material for reference.
Slide 3: recap of knowledge.
Background: I work in workplace instruction where most online courses need to be completed in under an hour and so we apply models such as Gange's a little differently to a school, college or university who can build on knowledge over successive sessions. The assessment and feedback events in particular can often merge.