Recent DiscussionsStoryline custom focus control ========================================================================= Update 4th Feb 2025 Added a second argument that will determine if the target elements content will be announced to the s...Alt Text Tip I discovered an alt text statement that was too long and I tried to shorten it as much as I could without losing the meaning intended. In doing this, I think I stumbled upon an alt text hack. 🙂 The...Screen Reader Shortcut Is there a shortcut a screen reader user could use to go directly to the Resources Tab on the Player? I'm using NVDA to test. End users use JAWS. SolvedAccessibility Checker Early Access Sign-up Hello everyone, If you've noticed this on the roadmap or seen the demo at DevLearn last November, you know we're building a new Accessibility Checker feature for Storyline 360. The Accessibility C...Accessible text in Storyline Hi everyone, Following the instructions on the Articulate page about accessble text (I can't manage to share the link), I have upgraded my project text and abbled the accessible text option. Stil...In Case You Missed It (ICYMI): Accessibility Updates in Q4 2024 Welcome to 2025! Since my last update, this accessibility group has grown by 61 members, bringing its total to 403 members. The first ICYMI edition was published on October 23, 2024, and establishe...Storyline Accessibility Survey Summary Hi Everyone, In April 2024, Our team conducted a survey about accessibility and Storyline 360. I am pleased to share that I have now posted a summary of the survey findings. I encourage everyo...Useful Tools and Resources Hi everyone, I'd like to share some accessibility (a11y) resources. I hope these will be helpful in making your content more inclusive and accessible to everyone. Whether you're new to accessibility...Math Equations Storyline (MathJax/LaTex) Here's a method for adding accessible Math Equations to your Storyline project using the MathJax JavaScript library. ---------------------------------------------------- Load the MathJax library ...Alt text for the same background Hi! My Storyline project provides a scenario that demonstrates the feeling of being overwhelmed by responsibilities as a head chef. It emphasizes the importance of trusting your team and delegating...