Data Entry call not working on Android mobile

Oct 24, 2022

I am having a hard me getting this to work on an Android moblie device. I works everywhere else.

I want to call the users entry of text in a Data Entry field. I have tried it 3 different ways in Storyline.

1) Using a varible

2) Using a %xxxxx% call

3) Using another data entry call

Nothing works. I have attached the Storyline file and a ReviewLink link.

Maybe I am not appraoching this right, open for suggestions.


3 Replies
Math Notermans

So i did several things to fix it.

First of all i disabled the blockers on your slides... to ensure they were not hindering.

Then i tried getting it to work. It did not. After i while i suspected the font choosen not to be able to show the proper texts.... and changed them to default ones.

I guess in the end it was just missing a trigger on the submit button.
Added a 'Set Variable' to it before jumping to the next slide.

And i used a clean new variable.... as yours is set on soo many places and so unclear what happens where...i created a new one.

And i added a QR code for quick and easy testing on mobiles ;-)