Javascript LMS - First & Last name only

Aug 26, 2022

Hi- I have a project which is requiring a Certificate of Completion. I am looking to use javascript to pull the learner name dynamically. I am new to javascript. I have a manual input backup but really would like to pull their name dynamically. I followed the instructions I've found here and online. When I tested it on SCORM Cloud, it works if I only have the First Name and Last Name fields completed. However, when I added a middle initial in the First Name field, the javascript only displayed the first name and middle initial. The last name was truncated. I'm not sure what to do, so I only pull the First and Last name fields. We use SuccessFactors LMS, which gets the student's name from the Workday HR system. I've attached a screenshot of the javascript and student name examples with the typical formats shown in SuccessFactors. I look forward to guidance from this awesome community. 

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