Link (This target slide is not available in this preview)

May 25, 2021

Hi there! I am new to articulate storyline. 

My question is whenever I try to preview a slide that is not the beginning of the project, it showing me this error. I read other forms about this, however, I don't want to view the entire project. I just want to preview this specific slide links without having to preview the whole scene. Is this a glitch or there is a way around it ? 



2 Replies
Walt Hamilton

In Storyview, select the slide and all the slides it links to. This process will probably select all the slides between them. Then use the preview drop-down menu to Preview Selected slides.

The error message you are getting indicates that you are trying to jump to a slide that is not being previewed. this can happen if you preview only one slide, or selected slides, but didn't select enough slides. You have to select all the ones you might jump to.