Order of Interaction strIDs in Results slide and Excel output

Jul 23, 2021

I apologize if I am posting a question that was covered in another discussion forum, but I was unable to find current guidance for the following:

My team has built Articulate 360 surveys in SCORM 2004 containing short answer and Likert scale questions. The results are integrated into the LMS, however, each Excel report exported from the LMS lists the questions and answers in a different order and they are NOT sequential. This a major issue since these reports are exported directly by our client.

It seems like this is caused by the Interaction IDs that Articulate generates for each question and answer, though I am not finding clear guidance for how to modify this in Articulate 360, as most guidance is for older versions of Articulate. How can I adjust the Interaction IDs or the results slide so that the corresponding Excel export (from the LMS) provides consistent questions and answers in sequential order (e.g. questions 1-7)? Do I need to edit the JavaScript SCORM driver file, and if so, where in that file? Or should I setup JavaScript triggers for each slide? Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.

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