Replay in Seekbar Enabling a Disabled Try Again Button for a Quiz in Storyline 360

Jun 15, 2021

Hi, everyone!

Wrapping edits on a training and realizing that by adding the seekbar in the modern Player mode to allow for play/pause/replay is messing with my Try Again button triggers. I've disabled the Try Again button until after audio completes playing, but if a user hits the replay button to listen to the audio associated with the wrong answer, the Try Again button is now activated and they can go back to the Base Layer of the quiz question. My question: How do I prevent the replay button from overriding my trigger to keep the Try Again button disabled until after the audio has finished playing?



3 Replies
Leslie McKerchie

Hi Kellie,

Could you share this slide so that I could take a look at the setup? You can import the slide into a new project:

Storyline 360: Importing Slides from Other Storyline Projects

You can share it publicly here or send it to me privately by uploading it here. I'll delete it when I'm done troubleshooting.