Submit interaction for Multiple Hotspots: Need to submit all?

Sep 15, 2022

Hello, all.

I created a Freeform Pick Many template where the user needs to click all the hotspots to get the question "correct." I want the user to be able to submit the interaction regardless of how many hotspots they've clicked. However, if the user doesn't click all the hotspots (I have a trigger that changes an object from hidden to visible to register if a hotspot was clicked), Storyline shows the Invalid Answer message when they click Submit. 

Invalid answer

Is there a way to not have this message appear? I would like correct/incorrect/try again layers to appear. 

I can make it work without submitting the interaction with the Submit button. It will show the correct/incorrect layers as I like. However, it is no longer a question slide in a quiz if I do that. 

Is there a way to either make the slide a graded question for the quiz without Submit Interaction or to allow users to submit without clicking all the hotspots? Thanks! 

1 Reply
Jose Tansengco

Hello S Silver,

Thanks for reaching out!

Graded questions require an answer before they can be submitted, and unfortunately, there is no way to turn this behavior off. The only way for the slide to proceed without any answers is if you remove the scoring from the slide and set the 'Require' option to 'User may skip'. 

I’ll be happy to pass your thoughts on to our product team, but you can also feel free to detail them more through a feature request