Hiding base layer?

Feb 09, 2022

I'm new, with rudimentary skills. Nonetheless, I'm trying to build something for the St. Valentine's Day challenge. On one slide, I want to show a layer when the user clicks on an image. Well, the layer is showing---but so is the base layer. I tried to insert a new trigger that would hide the base layer with that same user click on the image, but hiding the base layer isn't even an option on the new trigger I tried to create (the base layer isn't one of the options).

Is the solution to include a slide-sized rectangle with a new background as part of my second layer to cover the old layer? For some reason, I assumed that the base layer would be automatically hidden when the new layer appears.

I know I must be missing something obvious, but how do I hide that base layer so that I only see the new, second, layer that I created?


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