General E-Learning
2720 Topicsjava script not definied
Hello community, I have the following problem with an older training file and JavaScript. We want to use JavaScript in our training files. This is very easy in Storyline. I created and saved a new story file > added a trigger > added the JavaScript, and that's it. So far, so good. Now I wanted to build exactly this working JavaScript code into an existing training file. So I opened the story file again > added a trigger > done. But unfortunately, I get an error in this training file, and the script isn't executed. To me, it looks like the JavaScript library isn't available in the old story files at all. But maybe you have some experience with this? And yes, I saved the story file and imported it into a new story file, but nothing helped. I also simplified the code to eliminate code errors. So, there's only an alert message, which works in the newly created file but not in the old one. Java Script Code: alert("Hello"); Error: actionator::exeJavaScript - Script1 is not defined (anonymous) @ bootstrapper.min.js:2 Best regards MarkusSolved29Views0likes2CommentsShift+Down Arrow not working to format text in multiple cells
I am building a glossary of terms in a table and want to format text in multiple cells (i.e., font size and bolding). All online research indicates that I should be able to 1) highlight text in a cell, 2) hold down SHIFT, and 3) use the down arrow to select text in other cells. I have even seen GIFs of this being done. Whenever I try this, the selection highlighting in the first cell disappears and the selected cells' borders are highlighted. Rise 360 then only gives me the table formatting floating toolbar, not the text editing toolbar. I feel like this should be an easy task, but I have spent far too much time and energy trying to make this work. Can anyone offer guidance or explanation?21Views1like1CommentAdding a "Demo" watermark to all pages?
As a company, we've released an e-learning module built in Rise that is available for purchase. Several customer companies have now asked for demo access to the module prior to purchase to see if it meets their needs. However, we don't host the modules ourselves and we don't have an LMS, so it's difficult to allow access to a demo version. We were thinking about a watermarked version of the module, similar to a watermarked PDF. Is it possible to do this in RISE?Customizing Player
Hi! I have looked at the player videos on the Articulate On Demand tutorials page but cannot find anything applicable to this situation, so here goes. I am working on a project where I want my end users to be able to contact the subject matter experts by accessing their information from a lightboxed slide. However, this creates a problem on some slides that have a ton of interactivity. Rather than stress about changing the interactivity of those slides, I'd like to just remove "CONTACT" from the Player menu on those individual slides. I realize I need a variable of some kind for this. I've played around with a couple and can't get it to work. What variable would I use to remove the "CONTACT" button from select slides? Also, would I use the slide numbers or the names of the slides? You'll notice that I tried to play with both when you open the screenshots to see if different variables would work. Or is this even possible since this is a Custom tab I created?Solved104Views0likes10Comments"Saved Info" in Fill in the Blank Text Box
I have a course published in Storyline with fill in the blank text boxes where they need to do some math and then put the correct answer in and submit the question. However, if they've already done this CBT before and are retaking the course, it saves the correct answer in as "Saved Info" when they select the box from the previous time they took it. See the attached picture. Some additional background, we are using Workday LMS. I asked some IT people here and they think it's a browser issue with an AutoComplete function that would have to be turned off on a user-by-user basis or company-wide. (which is not realistic). My question is, is there a way to fix this on the Articulate end maybe in the publishing process.30Views0likes5CommentsLocking down an eLearn upon failing an assessment.
Hi Articulate Community and Heroes, I'm interested to know if anyone knows a way to lock down an eLearn based on a failed assessment rather than doing this through an organisations Learning Management System (LMS). The reason I ask is, our organisation is in the process of switching over to a new LMS in the future and there may be some challenges with the new system around controls and managing a learners accreditation process. The industry I work in is heavily regulated and requires organisations to have processes in place to manage and control accreditation pathways etc. Essentially, I'm looking to see if there is a way in Storyline to lock out a user of an eLearn that can be built into the eLearn itself. Upon one, two or even three failed assessment attempts (dependant on the accreditation), the learner is prevented from re-attempting for a period of time (could be 1, day, 7 days, 14 days or 30 days etc). That allows the business to then work with the learner to ensure they meet the business expectations and requirements before the learner can re-assess for a particular accreditation. - Gareth17Views0likes1CommentMorph transition on Feature Roadmap
As the Morph transition made it to the Feature Roadmap for Articulate 360 ( finally! ), i do think it is good to post what we want/expect it to do, and what is a miss in our ( the users ) eyes. That way Articulate can keep that in mind while developing. For that we first need to divide Storyline elements in groups/types ... so we can discuss how we expect that type to morph. TYPES 1) Images 2) Storyline shapes 3) Video 4) Text ( SVG ) 5) Imported SVG 6) UI elements As on the roadmap it is defined as 'transition'. So i expect it to be exactly that. A Morph transition between 2 slides. So next would be defining the 'attributes' of the defined types we expect to morph. ATTRIBUTES A) Position x/y B) Scale C) Rotation D) Fill color and line ( actually all Format Shape settings ) E) Transparancy If for all the types the given attributes are morphable, i am happy. I expect 3) Video to be non-morphable. 2) Shapes and 4) Text i however expect and hope to have all attributes morphable. Do comment on this with your hopes and dreams for the Morph transition and lets hope Articulate listens.458Views2likes14CommentsGraded Assessment Questions in eLearning, LMS or through eLearning software?
We have to launch an eLearning with an assessment. Our eLearning is created in articulate. How do I ensure the quiz questions in the eLearning itself result in a score on the reporting from our company's LMS? More specifically, everyone requires a 100%. I know how to create the eLearning to not allow the learner to proceed without passing the assessment questions, but I am unclear how to get a score for this and have it populate in the report? Is this preconfigured in the eLearning software itself? Or is this based upon local LMS?Using Record screen recordings on different systems
I love using the Record Screen function to create real-world simulations. I work from home and so only use my laptop. I will be going into an office situation where systems are provided. I can't find any information on whether I can access the recordings when I log into Articulate 360 with my corporate licence. A colleague had stated these recordings only live in the system where they are recorded (so only in my laptop).Solved