Forum Discussion
Graded Assessment Questions in eLearning, LMS or through eLearning software?
We have to launch an eLearning with an assessment. Our eLearning is created in articulate. How do I ensure the quiz questions in the eLearning itself result in a score on the reporting from our company's LMS?
More specifically, everyone requires a 100%. I know how to create the eLearning to not allow the learner to proceed without passing the assessment questions, but I am unclear how to get a score for this and have it populate in the report?
Is this preconfigured in the eLearning software itself? Or is this based upon local LMS?
1 Reply
- JudyNolletSuper Hero
When you publish a Storyline or Rise course with a quiz for an LMS/LRS, the program submits quiz data to the LMS/LRS. These articles describe what data is sent:
How you access the data depends on the LMS/LRS. Talk to those folks about getting reports.