Play Pause Rewind audio

Oct 27, 2021


Does anyone have a sample that I can download where the audio on another layer can play, pause or rewind, with the seekbar?

Should I have a button for 'play audio' that shows the audio layer?


I'm in a bit of a pickle because I provided the option to play audio, rather than autoplay, but one of the biggest complaints from my stakeholders is that they can't pause and rewind. 


Thank you for your time.

3 Replies
Bianca Woods

Hi Faffie,

I have a practice project I've been working on that might work as the sample you're looking for. On the slide in this file I have audio on the base layer as well as the three additional layers. It's set to autoplay, but it would be easy to change it to start if someone hits the Play button in the player.

Because I have the Seekbar and Play/Pause buttons enabled in the Storyline player, you're able to play, pause, rewind, and fast forward the audio on each layer. And if you only need this functionality on some of the layers on your slide, you can turn on and off the Seekbar in the Properties setting for each individual layer.