Forum Discussion
Adding Images to a Scenario
I would like to add an image to a scene in Scenario other than the background. Is this possible?
- KarlMullerCommunity Member
As far I can tell you cannot add images to a scene. Being able to do this would make scenarios much more useful to me.
Hi there, Kirby! You can upload your own images to use as a background in a scene. Just use the Edit Background button:
Let me know if you have any trouble!
- KarlMullerCommunity Member
Kirby's question was: "I would like to add an image to a scene in Scenario other than the background. Is this possible?"
Both Kirby and I require the ability to add images to a scenario in addition to the background image.
Ooh! Thanks for clarifying "in addition to." 😁
Karl, you're right that you can't add additional images to your scenario at this time.
- GlendaRobert401Community Member
I was curious to see if anyone has come up with any work-arounds since the last response? I'm looking to create a scenario where a nurse presents an otoscope image and the nursing student is to identify what's wrong in the patient's ear.
I tried changing the background image to include the otoscope image, but it turns out blurred (even when the character is removed from the scene). Any tips or tricks you've come up with to emulate something like this?
- KarlMullerCommunity Member
Hi Glenda,
I've not found a way to add images to scenarios.
For this reason we've sadly stopped using scenarios.
It is possible to create something similar to this in Storyline but we've elected to use only Rise.
- elizabethwillisCommunity Member
Hi I don't know if this helps but as a workaround you can create things in Storyline and import them into your Rise course
- MiHeeKim-7ad198Community Member
A Scenario - Could you tell me How I can delete the continue button in my last scene?
Hi Mi Hee Kim!
If you're trying to remove the continue button in the Scenario Block you can change the following by:- On the Scenario block> top left corner > Edit
- Click the scene you need to change (last scene)
- On the main panel, click "Go to" dropdown
- Change this to End Scenario or redirect to a specific scene
- MiHeeKim-7ad198Community Member
Thank you! Sorry for the late reply - just saw this post now. By the way, h
Happy new year to you!!
- RosemaryAylwardCommunity Member
I've been trying to add graphics to the scenario to. It seems you would often want them to look at and react to something. I'm asking them to review an email as potential spam. My workaround was to insert an image block before the scenario and have them review it first.
- RicardoFrasAlvaCommunity Member
I'm very interested on this functionality. I really like the scenario but when I try to use I always find that I can not add pictures with the comments to demonstrate what is happening in the App.
Please, add the possibility to place picture with the text in Scenarios. Use another app it is not a solution for me because it means I have to be swapping apps all the time and it is not convenient at all.Best regards,
- CamilleReevesCommunity Member
I agree with Ricardo. I would really like to be able to add images to Scenarios in Rise.