Forum Discussion

MelissaLucas's avatar
Community Member
4 years ago

Assistance needed with Custom Next button and returning from a different scene

I am having an issue with my next button turning from the "Non-clickable state" to a "clickable state" when I have the user navigate to a new scene I have a trigger on the final slide that brings them back to the previous scene to an interactive menu to make their next selection. Upon returning the next button is able to be clicked even if the triggers I have created aren't met yet. AND the next button is clickable for the rest of the project slides. What am I doing wrong?

  • I didn't look through the entire file, but I suspect you have a conflict with when you are changing the next button state. You have triggers to change it when last slide variable changes and you have triggers on the base layer of the master to change it when a combination of things happen.

    Also, you could simplify a lot of the production when may also cause potential conflict. I'll record a quick tutorial.

  • MelissaLucas's avatar
    Community Member

    Tom, thank you so much for taking the time to look at my file and record that video for me. It's answered a few things I didn't realize.  It looks like I have some corrections to make on my master slide. I'll work through them and use the video you provided as help. 

    Thank you very much.