Forum Discussion
44 Replies
- AVT-DigitalCommunity Member
Another vote for 3d objects. Would be great!
- MichaelHinzeCommunity Member
I'm not sure about the specific file formats you listed, but anything that can viewed in a browser can also be embedded into Storyline. Here is just one simple example.
- RenGomezStaff
Hi Tommy,
Thanks for reaching out! As mentioned in our Feature Roadmap, our team is still adding features for 360 images such as tooltips, buttons, and more.
We're also currently tracking the request for 3D objects and will be sure to add your name to the list of folks that have asked for it as well. While there are no plans for implementation, we'll let you know when there are updates to share.
As mentioned above, inserting the 3D object as a web object is an alternative you could try!
- DurbaBhattacharCommunity Member
Thank you so much. I tried the steps, the code. I also tried to include one more 3D model from Sketchfab using the embed iFrame code from for the site, and that worked too. Thank you so much. Until I figure out how to call an exe file for a 3D model using JS from a storyline page, I'm going to use this step. Thanks a lot.
- MichaelHinzeCommunity Member
Great to hear that you figured it out! Good luck with your project.
- SarahEdnayCommunity Member
Hi, is there any update on this please? I'm currently looking around and comparing authoring software for a potential upcoming project. Basic 3D for diagrams (our own, nothing really fancy) is a requirement. I dropped out of Storyline after v2. So I can envisage doing it with states but it would be nice if it was native. If it needs an iframe I may aswell go straight into Wordpress instead or use video as we're only looking at loads of micro-content.
Be good to know what the status is so I can complete a comparisons pros/cons table before deciding on which software to trial first. I rather assumed with a name like "360" that importing 3D files natively like Powerpoint would be a given...... if it isn't, is it on a roadmap? Hi Sarah!
You can see our feature roadmap here. We are currently working on 360° Images.
- JonicaRich-025fCommunity Member
3D objects have been requested at my workplace as well.
- DurbaBhattac780Community Member
Hi Michael, thanks for your response. That's a great sample you have shared. Now my questions are:
1) Is the 3D model created as a separate file (for example .obj or.fbx) and then inserted in Storyline (like we insert images, videos, audio etc)? For example, in MS Office 360, you can insert a 3D model in a PPT slide and rotate it. If yes, then I would like to know how you inserted the 3D model in Storyline.
2) Or, have you created the 3D model in Storyline using frames of images as layers and animation? Then, I am not really looking for that solution as my project requires to understand how i can insert a 3D model file in Storyline.
- MichaelHinzeCommunity Member
This example 3D model was inserted into Storyline using an embed code, similar to what you describe in 1)
- DurbaBhattac780Community Member
Sorry, I meant MS Office 365. (360 degrees rotation is stuck in my head.)
- DurbaBhattac780Community Member
Ok, thats really great to know. Thanks so much for the help.
Now, I need to understand what is the file type of the interactive 3D model? And how is it embedded? Is the 3D file hosted somewhere else and then embedded as a web object?
Currently I am stuck at this point that I have .obj or .fbx files but I cant insert them in Storyline like in PPT 365.
- MichaelHinzeCommunity Member
For my example I just used the embed code for one model I liked. This is the code:
<iframe width="640" height="480" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="" mozallowfullscreen="true" webkitallowfullscreen="true" onmousewheel=""></iframe>
This model is hosted on sketchfab, but it could also be included with the published Storyline content.